Rudy is me

A weblog (mostly) about PHP and TYPO3 development

Introducing TYPO3 extension: matomoapi

For the weblog I wanted to add a "Popular posts" block to show the most visited posts of the last 30 days. I didn't find an existing extension to achieve this, so I made my own: matomoapi. It uses the Open Source statistics platform Matomo, which has an API to get the data I wanted.

Linking to records

In TYPO3 you can link to pages, files, folders, external URLs, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers by default. But what if you want to link to a different record, like news. You could use an external URL link, but with a few lines of page TS config and TypoScript you can add a tab to the link window to link directly to a record.

Rearrange new content element wizard tabs and items

TYPO3 comes with a lot of default content elements types. When creating a content element using the Page module you can choose which type to add using the new content element wizard. The content element types are arranged in tabs. You can rearrange the content types and tabs using Page TS config.

Adding CSS or JavaScript using a Fluid template

Often you want to add CSS or JavaScript for just one page template, a single action of a plugin or only if a particular content type is added to a page. If the page, plugin or content type uses Fluid as a template, this can easily be done.